Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Love this quote from Emma Smith

"Strength is not something you have, it's something you find." 
I LOVE this quote from Emma Smith
 I often remind myself of this, too, as I am going about life and find myself doubting myself, my surroundings, and my ability to keep going!  
Please tell me I'm not the only
who has ever muttered to herself, 
"I can't do this anymore." 
"I'm not strong enough for this."
"This is too much to handle for me."

And then I think of what Emma was quoted to say, and I remember that I can do it. 
That somewhere inside of me, I can FIND the strength to get through whatever is is I'm having difficulty with. (Even if it's just something small like making dinner...haha)

I decided I wanted this quote in my house, in a spot I will see it often.  So I hung this printable I made in a white IKEA frame (yes, the frame's been hanging empty on my wall for almost 3 months-don't judge (: ) in our main living space where I'll see it everyday and be reminding of this wonderful wisdom from an amazing woman. 

If you'd like to have this printable for yourself, just right click the image, select "Save As", and save it to your computer.  We'd love to know that you enjoyed it, so leave a comment please! :)

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