Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Schedule Printables

Summer is upon us already!  Although my life doesn't change too much, since my kindergartner was only gone for 2 1/2 hours a day, it still feels like a fresh start for us.  For our super fun summer activity, I laminated and then I can use a dry erase marker to add the activity for each week.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lunch for a Cool Chick

The end of the school year snuck up on me!! Since our last day was Friday, I was hurrying to think of a quick and cute teacher gift that our children's amazing teacher would appreciate. I ran to the store and grabbed some Chick-Fil-A gift cards, and whipped up this cute printable. I included a nice note on some cute cards I found at Target, I stuffed the note, the gift card, and the printable all into an envelope! It was quick, easy, and cute! Mission accomplished!!! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Primary Birthday (Gift Tag}

An easy birthday gift for my primary class children.  A package of donuts, a colorful ribbon, and this tag=fast, yummy gift.

Blooming Activity {Relief Society Activity}

It is time for another Relief Society activity. Not to much work for me...we delegated it to a local nursery and they taught us about planting.  That's my kind of activity. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Baptism Invite and Program Idea

This sweet girl is the second of four girl cousins to be baptized this year! I was happy to make an invitation for her big day!  Proud of your good choice, Syd, and are thankful you are a part of our family!
She was sharing her day with her friend, Shae, from her ward, and I had fun creating a cover and program for the baptism.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Visiting Teaching Conference {Relief Society Activity}

 For our visiting teaching conference, we used these a SOS theme.We decided to do it our conference during our regular Relief Society hour since attendance is hard during the week.  We printed these invitations and gave them to each sister in the ward. As each sister walked in we gave them a comment card and a one of the experience life preservers. The comment card was a way for us to ask some interview questions and on the other they could write an experience to be shared. The finished these 2 card during the announcements and then we continued with our lesson.  We showed a short clip from the movie Ephraim's Rescue and then each of us in the presidency took a few minutes to share our feelings about visiting teaching and shared some of the experiences that sisters had written about.  After the lesson, we had some root bear floats.  It was a great conference!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Coach Gift {A&W Root Beer Pop}

Here is a quick, easy treat for any coach.  Just attach this tag to "A & W" root beer. Easy peasy.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Baptism Gift {Gift Tag}

I always have a hard time coming up with what to do for a child that is getting baptized.  But what kid doesn't like a jar full of bubblegum?  Get a cute jar, some bubble gum, and this tag and it became the perfect baptism gift.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Basketball Birthday Party!

Korver is all about basketball.  (His name did come from NBA player, Kyle Korver, after all)  He was super excited about his basketball party-and even more excited that we got to have it at the high school gym! (having a dad as a basketball coach does have it's perks!) It ended up being one of my favorite parties---so easy! All I had to do was make a basketball cake (I did this one-found on a google search), buy some ice cream, and we were good to go!

Cleaning Schedule {Organize Myself}

After moving into our new house, I found myself lost on how to organize cleaning routine.  I made this schedule to help me stay on track.  Some weeks are easier than others but it seems to work when I see it hanging it reminds me what needs to be done and I don't get overwhelmed..well not as overwhelmed as I usually am :).
I added this "To Do List" and Budget with my cleaning schedule and put them in a protector sheet so I can write with an expo marker and erase them to start the next day/week.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stake Women's Conference {Relief Society Activity}

We had an amazing opportunity to have a women's conference and I was asked to help with the invites.  It turned out to be an amazing day.

Water bottle labels:


Brownie labels: