Tuesday, December 16, 2014

FREE Printable Gift Tag {Fanta Soda Pop}

Looking for a SUPER easy, SUPER fast, and SUPER cute gift??? Buy a Fanta soda, print out this FREE tag, tie it on, and BAM!!! SUPER easy, fast, and cute gift READY TO GO!

This is great for teachers, coaches, bus drivers, children, moms, dads, etc....

To print this, right click on the image, select "Save image as", and save it to your computer.  Then you can size and print it to your hearts desire! For personal use only please.  We'd love to hear form you if you do save this image, so please leave a comment! :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Arctic Snow Party

When a 6 year old asks for a snow party but wants it different than FROZEN I felt a little stumped.  She specifically wanted a polar bear and an arctic fox on her invitation.  We found some snowflakes at the dollar store for inspiration and went from there. 
At the end of the party, we gave some gift bags with this tag attached.

We went around to each station and played these fun games too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Super Saturday {Relief Society Activity}

A fun idea for a Relief Society super Saturday. We had 4 different classes and served sandwiches for lunch. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Baptism Program and Announcement Idea

I swear it was just yesterday that Jill, Megan, and I were all pregnant together and expecting these little ones! How can they already be 8?!?!? McKoy's baptism was a stake baptism, so the program and everything was already taken care of, but I was happy to help Jill and Megan out and make some programs for Stockton and Mallory.

I did make an announcement/invitation for McKoy though.
 And one for Stockton!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Another Basketball Party {Birthday Boy}

This little boy can't ever get enough basketball! We sure had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Love this quote from Emma Smith

"Strength is not something you have, it's something you find." 
I LOVE this quote from Emma Smith
 I often remind myself of this, too, as I am going about life and find myself doubting myself, my surroundings, and my ability to keep going!  
Please tell me I'm not the only
who has ever muttered to herself, 
"I can't do this anymore." 
"I'm not strong enough for this."
"This is too much to handle for me."

And then I think of what Emma was quoted to say, and I remember that I can do it. 
That somewhere inside of me, I can FIND the strength to get through whatever is is I'm having difficulty with. (Even if it's just something small like making dinner...haha)

I decided I wanted this quote in my house, in a spot I will see it often.  So I hung this printable I made in a white IKEA frame (yes, the frame's been hanging empty on my wall for almost 3 months-don't judge (: ) in our main living space where I'll see it everyday and be reminding of this wonderful wisdom from an amazing woman. 

If you'd like to have this printable for yourself, just right click the image, select "Save As", and save it to your computer.  We'd love to know that you enjoyed it, so leave a comment please! :)

Monday, May 19, 2014

"Mom...I'm bored!" {Free Summer Time Printable}

I can't believe summer is almost here!  
We only have a few days left of school, and I am trying to wrap my head around transitioning into a new schedule.  I have seen this idea on Pinterest, and knew I wanted to incorporate it into my summer ideas. 

Because let's face it, my kids are going to come to me and say, "Mom.....I am so bored!!!" 

Now I have a good reply...:)
I plan on printing this off and hanging it on our magnet board-a quick and easy reminder for when the kids have some down time.

Want this printable for your own house? Just right click on the image, click "Save As", and save it to your computer.  If you do save it, we would love to know, so leave a comment and share the love! :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Put God First

Mom had her party for the incoming Laurels a couple weeks ago.  She wanted to give this quote to each of the girls, and I made up this printable for her.  I can remember Mom writing this on wood plaques, handing them to me, and I would "dot" each of the letters. :) Man, I'm glad we don't do craft fairs anymore. :) But ever since then, I can always repeat this quote in my head and it gives me comfort.  I've definitely had to remind myself of this sometimes.  And when life gets really chaotic and crazy, I think of this quote and realize my priorities need rearranged!
If any of you would like this printable for your own personal use or for a lesson or message at church, right click on the image, select "Save Image As", and save it to your computer.  Please leave a comment if you do-we'd love to hear from you! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Baby Boy Shower Invitation

Nikki's friend is having a baby and she is throwing a shower for her! She asked me to make an invite, and I happily obliged! :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lesson Teaching Ideas

Since there's not much here to begin with, I hope it's ok that I start with some pretty generic stuff.  I am hoping this blog will become a place where are family can look back and find a variety of "helps", including, but not limited to, teaching lesson helps.  Many of us teach in Relief Society, Primary, Young Women's ect.  Sometimes its hard to come up with new and interesting ways to teach.

Today in Relief Society, our president led a fabulous discussion on ..........wait for it.......Hastening the work.  As if we haven't heard about that every single day for months and months. :)  She presented it in a new and engaging way, though, by simply adding missionary-ish questions in a bowl for each person to choose from.  She passed around the bowl at the beginning of the lesson with simple questions about missionary work, our beliefs, our habits, our doctrine, our traditions, how do missionary work in everyday life,  etc.  She then just started around the room and the person would read the ? then answer it and she invited others to answer as well.  We have never had so much participation in a lesson.  There were at least 5-7 comments on each ? and many of the sisters who rarely share, did.  It seemed to open everyone up.

My ? was "How do you know if you have a testimony of the gospel."  There were varied insights on that ?.  Another ? was how do I share the gospel if I'm retired, home bound, shy, lonely, etc.  Again, great insight.  A question about how long we fast and why brought great discussion and verified that a person can fast even though a medical condition may limit them going without food.

I think by the end of the lesson, we all felt a little more confident in sharing the gospel.  Maybe we won't find someone to be baptized next week, but when we keep living and studying the gospel,  we are Hastening the Work and Heavenly Father will use us for His purposes.

My point in writing this blog post is simply to record the simple teaching idea that she used.